The Learn Enough Story

Learn Enough to Be Dangerous is a leader in the movement to teach the world technical sophistication, which includes both "hard skills" like coding, command lines, and version control, and "soft skills" like guessing keyboard shortcuts, Googling error messages, and knowing when to just reboot the darn thing.

We believe there are at least a billion people who can benefit from learning technical sophistication, probably more. To join our movement, sign up for our official email list now.


Learn Enough to Be Dangerous is an outgrowth of the Ruby on Rails Tutorial and the Softcover publishing platform. This page is part of the sample site for Learn Enough CSS and Layout to Be Dangerous, which teaches the basics of Cascading Style Sheets, the language that allows web pages to be styled. Other related tutorials can be found at

Most recent post

Consistency is the hardest part, but then it's essential

At this point it’s not surprising that I’ve spent the last 2 hours trying to download an image for this post using the command line, unsuccessfully. I just don’t get what is going wrong. I need to get that off my chest, and hope that this time serves to teach me that next time I should just download an image via the website instead of the command line. Use the tools available to you that you know how to use. So with my most recent instance of computer-related incompetence out of the way I can talk about what’s been happening over the past few, or five or six months since I last posted.


Learn Enough to Be Dangerous was founded in 2015 by Michael Hartl, Lee Donahoe, and Nick Merwin. We believe that the kind of technical sophistication taught by the Learn Enough tutorials can benefit at least a billion people, and probably more.

cat nose close up

Michael Hartl

Known for his dazzling charm, rapier wit, and unrivaled humility, Michael is the creator of the Ruby on Rails Tutorial and principal author of the Learn Enough to Be Dangerous introductory sequence.

Michael is also notorious as the founder of Tau Day and author of The Tau Manifesto, but rumors that he's secretly a supervillain are slightly exaggerated.

flying bird

Lee Donahoe

When he's not literally swimming with sharks or hunting powder stashes on his snowboard, you can find Lee in front of his computer designing interfaces, doing front-end development, or writing some of the interface-related Learn Enough tutorials.

two cows

Nick Merwin

You may have seen him shredding guitar live with Capital Cities on Jimmy Kimmel, Conan, or the Ellen Show, but rest assured Nick is a true nerd at heart. He's just as happy shredding well-spec'd lines of code from a tour bus as he is from his kitchen table.