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Consistency is the hardest part, but then it's essential

At this point it’s not surprising that I’ve spent the last 2 hours trying to download an image for this post using the command line, unsuccessfully. I just don’t get what is going wrong. I need to get that off my chest, and hope that this time serves to teach me that next time I should just download an image via the website instead of the command line. Use the tools available to you that you know how to use. So with my most recent instance of computer-related incompetence out of the way I can talk about what’s been happening over the past few, or five or six months since I last posted.

My attempts at art and making an independent blog entry

This is an entry about my last several attempts at art which I do not engage in regularly and likely wouldn’t engage in if it wasn’t in a group setting. It is also an attempt to take pictures with my tablet and transfer the files to my computer and use those images on my site instead of the free images on Pixabay… which may actually qualify as an art form in and of itself.

I remember why I quit electronics the first time

In 2020 I encountered persistent lower back pain that I had to go to a physical therapist to remedy to no avail. Going to physio resulted in getting some exercises that would help for about 20 minutes before the pain came back. It turned out to be a $10 pair of slippers that had zero arch support that I wore around the house long enough for the pain to develop. The pain ended within a day of not wearing the slippers, but that experience of a couple of weeks being centered around pain management altered my life. Before the pain ended I had browsed many fitness-based websites with the hope that I would find some set of exercises that would alleviate the pain for longer than 20 minutes. I didn’t, but I found Nerd Fitness and as the days went by I came to appreciate how much they simplified the idea of incorporating fitness and nutrition into life. When I stopped wearing the slippers and the pain ended I was set on living a healthier life, if only to prolong the amount of time I live without pain.

The site is set up on my custom domain

I now have this project pointing to the custom domain I purchased months ago. It’s the second-most narcissistic domain name I could think of, the most narcissistic name I could think of was taken. I put comments on most of the DNS rules so that if I’m stupid enough to go screwing with them like last time then hopefully the comments will reflect the importance of the particular rule and I will be less likely to change them. I can only take the word of the tutorial as I have no knowledge of computer networking, but the sub-domain is https and that tiny shield in the search bar is supposed to indicate another level of security that isn’t foolproof, but drastically increases protection. It only took me a day to figure this all out, thanks Learn Enough to Be Dangerous. If I ever have to do this outside of GitHub and Cloudflare I just might be screwed.

Now the blog is finished

Now I have the blog finished. The comment section is operational and the posts look adequately styled. I still can’t quite figure out how to download a picture into my project images folder using the command line.

This is a post written when I'm clueless but have still made something work

For the past hour I’ve been trying to change the Hero image for this post. I made an alias for the cli curl command, curl -OL, that kept giving me an error “Remote file name has no length,” which I still don’t quite understand. I figured out the problem but I couldn’t get a .jpeg file to display on my site.

This is the title of the post

Call me Ishmael. Some years ago-never mind how long precisely-having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world. It is a way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation.