I now have this project pointing to the custom domain I purchased months ago. It’s the second-most narcissistic domain name I could think of, the most narcissistic name I could think of was taken. I put comments on most of the DNS rules so that if I’m stupid enough to go screwing with them like last time then hopefully the comments will reflect the importance of the particular rule and I will be less likely to change them. I can only take the word of the tutorial as I have no knowledge of computer networking, but the sub-domain is https and that tiny shield in the search bar is supposed to indicate another level of security that isn’t foolproof, but drastically increases protection. It only took me a day to figure this all out, thanks Learn Enough to Be Dangerous. If I ever have to do this outside of GitHub and Cloudflare I just might be screwed.

probably a seagull

My broken leg is healed of the fracture but now I need to do a strengthening program before going back to work. It would be nice to get rid of this limp. I may still be off of work for another month. It takes as long as it takes, I suppose. The physio is going well enough, and the past week has taught me the value of body doubling as I’ve found someone online to do daily physio with so I’m not just doing it twice per week. I’m getting closer and closer to being able to sit cross-legged both ways without pain, that’s the only really pressing concern.

It has been interesting seeing how the habits and lifestyle I developed around work have largely fallen apart. I’m just lucky that I’m not staying up until 5 am and sleeping the days away. I am hopeful that all the other habits that degraded will come back as I get closer to going back to work. I will go back to the gym and try to maintain that habit and develop the skills related to lifting. I will get back to a consistent schedule. It was quite satisfying to get to a 150 pound back squat and 200 pound deadlift. It’s a worthy goal to pursue for a lifetime.

If anyone happens upon this, these two websites are good as a starting point for fitness, especially for resistance training. Nerd Fitness is good for quality narrative explanations around what seems like everything you could need to know about starting a fitness routine. The second website is probably one of the better resources you can use for formulating a workout, from scheduling to the exercises to do. It has an exercise library of… ~1900 exercises. Weights, bodyweight, different machines. It has sections related to diet, psychology, a bunch of stuff related to fitness, but much less of a narrative structure to most of it. It takes more effort to extract info from and understand the ExRx website. May you find them both useful.